We love oatmeal and are convinced that the perfect snack for athletes is a nutrient-rich oatmeal that also provides long-lasting energy and contains a good portion of fruit - for taste, extra and quick energy supply.
Our SvenJacks embody exactly that: the perfect balance between fruitilicious and oatilicious. Carefully made from rolled oats and fruit, our SvenJacks provide instant energy to keep you going through your workout, your hike or just your everyday life.In addition to the nutritional qualities of our SvenJacks, we also place great emphasis on environmental sustainability. We reduce packaging to a minimum, improve production processes, shorten transportation routes and make sure we use raw materials grown in Europe. SvenJacks thus combine all of our priorities: nutritionally valuable, environmentally friendly and simply delicious.with SvenJacks we are unstoppable. Convince yourself and jack it oat!
Why enjoy a SvenJack oatmeal bar?
Our juicy oatmeal bar is the ideal energy source for active people looking for a delicious yet affordable snack. With a rich blend of oatmeal and other high-quality ingredients, it not only offers a great taste, but also plenty of calories and energy to sustain you during your exercise. This bar will keep you full and energized for your workout without breaking the bank.
What makes our bar special is the variety: we offer it in over 20 exciting flavors, so you'll always find something to suit you. And with two different portion sizes, 65g and 125g, you can choose the amount that best suits your needs. Try it today and see how this bar becomes your new on-the-go favorite!"

Our SvenJacks embody exactly that: the perfect balance between fruitilicious and oatilicious. Carefully made from rolled oats and fruit, our SvenJacks provide instant energy to keep you going through your workout, your hike or just your everyday life.In addition to the nutritional qualities of our SvenJacks, we also place great emphasis on environmental sustainability. We reduce packaging to a minimum, improve production processes, shorten transportation routes and make sure we use raw materials grown in Europe. SvenJacks thus combine all of our priorities: nutritionally valuable, environmentally friendly and simply delicious.with SvenJacks we are unstoppable. Convince yourself and jack it oat!
Why enjoy a SvenJack oatmeal bar?
Our juicy oatmeal bar is the ideal energy source for active people looking for a delicious yet affordable snack. With a rich blend of oatmeal and other high-quality ingredients, it not only offers a great taste, but also plenty of calories and energy to sustain you during your exercise. This bar will keep you full and energized for your workout without breaking the bank.
What makes our bar special is the variety: we offer it in over 20 exciting flavors, so you'll always find something to suit you. And with two different portion sizes, 65g and 125g, you can choose the amount that best suits your needs. Try it today and see how this bar becomes your new on-the-go favorite!"